Sunday, May 17, 2009

Riding Log

Route: Alpine Dam Loop.
Length: 55 miles.
Time: 3:58 hours
Avg Speed: 14.1 mph
Total Climbed: 5200 feet

It was an unusually hot weekend in the bay area. I'm glad I got a 7am start. I rode hard- and paid for it. I had had a difficult swim the morning before, so I wasn't riding on fresh legs. Thus, I started cramping on my first long climb. I worked through it though and feel good about my overall output.

Besides the heat, I had a few other obstacles. Both my derailleurs started acting up. My rear derailleur was hyper extending, throwing my chain off the cog, and my front derailleur wouldn't let me get into my big ring. I was forced to spend some time on the sidelines making the necessary adjustments.

Also, the bees and horse flies were out with a vengeance yesterday (perhaps it was the heat). Wicked little bastards. Got bit twice on my leg (which drew blood), and had a few fly down my jersey and one into my helmet. On the climbs they were circling me like blood thirsty vultures.

I'm feeling in good form- finally. Looking forward to the next challenge.

1 comment:

  1. Yo Mang... Watch out for those BEES... p/u some insect spray from 331. Sorry to hear about your derailleur problems.. I hope I don't have the same problems with my freshly tuned Cervelo!!!.. hehe
